In this episode, I talk about the Jesus Year and how it is applying me now as a 33-year-old.
Full Transcript
Hi Everyone, welcome to the You’re Daily Cup of Joe Podcast, where my goal is to give you 10-minute lessons on how to grow yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so you can have better careers, better relationships, and better personal finances.
I’m also the author of the book “More You Know, More You Grow: How to Get Better Every Day”. In this book, I wrote down over 30 tips to help you grow in those four cornerstones.
In today’s episode, we’re going to talk the Jesus year. First off, I’m not a very religious person but I know a good story when I hear one. I first heard about the Jesus year from my previous supervisor. He said in Latin culture, age 33 is a pretty significant year for people. This is because this is the same age that Jesus went from being a carpenter to Messiah. People say this is when some significant change happens in your life.
I first heard this saying when I was 32 and I was not that satisfied with how I was doing at my previous firm. I didn’t like that I felt overburden with work and I felt like I wasn’t really in line with the companies mission statement anymore. I was working more with grow with Joe stuff by writing a second book and I was also listening to a podcast to help financial advisors become better at their job. Then I heard one episode where one of the financial advisors combined life coaching with financial planning and I knew that’s what I wanted to do.
I was overweight as a kid and taking care of my health has alway been important to me in my adult life. Plus I grew up within a blue collar family where money could be an issue at times or we couldn’t do stuff because it wasn’t in the budget to do so. So I knew I wanted to be fit and have a job that could offer me financial security and allow me to do things I wanted to do in life. Being a financial advisor could offer me the financial security for the advice I was giving people but I wasn’t doing anything on the otherside.
Since I was working for another company as an independent contractor, I had to follow their rules. I would write a blog post and I was told that I needed to take it down. Financial advising is a very regulated field because people can lose their entire life savings in one bad move by a rogue financial advisor. I didn’t like that I was being censored but when I found out that I could be a fee for service financial advisor that didn’t have to sell products to make a living and I would be freer to speak about the topics that I wanted to speak about, I knew I had to make a change. So now I’m in the process of creating my own firm and I like. It’s taking longer than expected and I’m still waiting on my licenses so I can start practicing but I’m glad I made the leap to start own thing in my Jesus year.
And that’s what the Jesus is all about, making a significant change in your life to make your life better. It could be leaving your old job for something more promising. Leaving that relationship that is holding you back, or taking that trip you’ve always wanted to do. As you get into your 30s and 40s, life is probably going to get more complicated and you’ll have less time to do things so you want to make sure you’re not having any regrets and doing things that you want to do. I knew I wanted to create my own thing because I didn’t want to sit in meeting to discuss things with my district supervisors or have conversations with management where I was saying things just to say them to make them happy. Plus I wanted to focus more on my niche of professional latinos who want to take their lives to the next level and we can grow together.
You don’t have to wait until you’re 33 to make a significant change in your life. It can happen at any year but I think as people we like to have guidelines for how we should live life or a final warning before there is no return and that’s what the Jesus Year represents. After 33 you’re more likely to have kids or be stuck in that one profession for the rest of your life so are you going to take the leap to try something you always wanted to do or are you just going maintain the status quo. I wouldn’t have been able to make the leap into starting my own business if I didn’t put a lot of work in the past to make myself stronger as a financial advisor and worked on myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I got the metaphoric tap on the shoulder that said that I had an opportunity over there, you just have to go towards it. It’s not easy taking the leap but I’ve had some setback, but I just keep chipping away every day towards the life I want to create.
Last thing I want to do is regret not doing something because I didn’t want to change. I might want to do something right now but I know I have to work on these other things to make life down the road easier. As long as I’m giving my full effort that is all that I can ask for. If I fail right now with this business, I know I did a lot of things to make me successful in other areas and that I can pivot in another direction and long as I keep learning and working on my crafts. I am glad I am doing this than still working in the Marines or a federal employee because I was miserable in those jobs, and even though they paid a comfortable salary, the trade off for my mental sanity was not worth it for decades of steady paycheck. I don’t have kids or in a relationship at this time so I can afford to take more selfish moves where if I fail, I’m not affecting anybody else too much but idea is if you’re not happy in a position, try to pivot out of the situation by changing your environment. You can be in the same environment but with different expectation or you go to a different environment where the culture is more suitable for your personality type.
That’s it for today’s episode and to summarize, your Jesus year is when you turn 33 and something significant happens or an opportunity appears. Now, are you going to take advantage of it or let it pass you by? You decide with your actions and I’m deciding with my actions and hopefully, it helps you with your leap into your Jesus if you decide it to be at 33, 23, or 43. It doesn’t really matter, it just matters that you started. Thanks for listening to today’s episode.
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Thanks for joining me today and remember if you go with Joe, you can grow with Joe, cause Joe knows Dough