
The Best Time To Plant A Tree As An Investing Strategy

The Power of Now No matter the setback or length of the journey, the best way to get ahead in most cases is to start taking action as soon as possible then make adjustments as more information is revealed or different resources are available. I also like to tell people: In life, there are the […]

How To Exponentially Accelerate Your Progress

The Factors That Affect Progress I’m big into taking personality tests because they help understand who I am, and particularly I like DISC. After taking the test, I found out I was Conscientious as my primary personality, which means I like to plan things out. My secondary personality is Dominance, which makes me very good […]

How To Deal With Federal Student Loans In Three Ways

What’s The Current Situation Since the beginning of the pandemic, President Trump suspended federal student loan payments with 0% interest accruing which has provided a lot of relief for borrowers since US student loan debt now exceeds $1.6 trillion. The average loan amount is predicted to be $38,147 for a 2021 high school graduate, and […]