In this episode, we discuss the body hack techniques I use to help me stay slim that I learned from Tim Ferriss.
Full Transcript
Hi Everyone, welcome to the You’re Daily Cup of Joe Podcast, with your host Joe Bautista. In this podcast, my goal is to give you quick lessons that you can reflect on in your journal so you can grow yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and have a better career, better relationships, and better personal finances while you enjoy your morning cup of coffee.
I’m also the author of the book “More You Know, More You Grow: How to Get Better Every Day”. In this book, I wrote down over 30 tips to help you grow in those four cornerstones. I’m also the founder of Grow With Joe, where I combine self-development coaching and financial planning for Latino Professionals.
In today’s episode, we are going to talk about the Tim Ferriss life hack I use to stay slim. Now before you take this advice, do you research or consult a professional to see what works best for you but now the disclaimer is out of the way, the life hack is really simple. Before every meal that you eat, you just do 50 wall push-ups and 50 air squats.
Now, this is the 100 percent solution but it can be the 5 to 10 percent solution that you need. The reason why you do these exercises before you eat is that you want your muscles to start using up energy. Think of your muscles as storage tanks for energy. When you have to move, your muscles need to work and need the energy to do so.
So if you have depleted storage tanks, more of the food you eat will go into muscles instead of to your liver to be converted into fat. This is the system we’ve used for thousands of years to survive famines. When your muscles can’t store anymore, it’s a signal by your pancreas to start producing insulin. This insulin acts as the lid to stop the muscles from taking in more energy.
So if you want to store more energy in your muscles, get bigger muscles. And if you do 50 lunges and 50 wall push-ups three times a day for a month, your muscles will most likely be able to store more fuel because you’ve trained your body to operate at this level. The body adapts to its environment and will typically use the energy that is required and store the rest or get rid of it.
This is why when you stop working out, your muscles get smaller, it requires too much energy to keep large muscles for most people and the body will start breaking down what it doesn’t use.
If I’m in a restaurant or someplace outside of my home, I just go into the bathroom and do the exercises in there. And my apartment, I have a TRX so that I just do the exercises on that. And with the TRX I can mix up the exercises as well. I can do rows for my back, various lunges for my hamstrings and glutes, I can do bicep curls, tricep extensions. I try to cycle through the exercise so that I keep balance in my body. I love the TRX because all you need is a door and your body weight and you can work every part of your body and make exercises really hard based on your body position.
One thing I like being in Latin America is that the portion size is a lot smaller. It is ridiculous that they give us so much food but in the book, Fast Food Nation, the reason we have larger sizes is that one movie theater was looking for a way to increase concession sales. They tried two for one deal and other tactics, but what worked is that they just started making the sizes bigger. Since they were bigger, they could charge more. A small popcorn back in the day is like a quarter of the size than what it is today and the same with soft drinks and not restaurant plates.
Here in Colombia, the servings are a lot smaller and I prefer that. So I don’t have to worry about overeating as much. So a tip in America is to order your food and ask for half of it to be put in a to-go bag. Here is another trick. Now, these tips are not one thing that is going to make everything else in your life easier. You need a portfolio of skills and tricks in order to survive in the society that we have today. It’s way too complex to only have one tool in your toolbox. So use these tools and continue to see what you need to add and remove in your toolbox in order to be a success.
That’s it for today’s episode, to summarize it, the Tim Ferriss life hack I use to stay slim is just to do 50 wall push-ups and 50 air squats. This way your muscles store more of the blood glucose instead of your liver. And your liver will convert that blood glucose into fat. This is the system that we have and I think it is important that we understand how the system works. This way we can make sure the system works for us. I know that I want to be healthy in the future and having the least amount of extra body fat will help out my back out a lot. I’m in my 30s now and I know I have to stay healthy if I want to accomplish all things I have in front of me. So I will do the tricks necessary to give me my good life.
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Thanks for joining me today and remember if you go with Joe, you can grow with Joe, cause Joe knows Dough.
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