
One Is None Two Is One

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In this episode, we discuss the importance of having a back-up, because if you don’t have a back-up, then things can go really wrong when your main line of support goes missing. 

Full Transcript

Hi Everyone, welcome to the You’re Daily Cup of Joe Podcast, with your host Joe Bautista. In this podcast, my goal is to give you quick lessons that you can reflect on in your journal so you can grow yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and have a better career, better relationships, and better personal finances while you enjoy your morning cup of coffee.
I’m also the author of the book “More You Know, More You Grow: How to Get Better Every Day”. In this book, I wrote down over 30 tips to help you grow in those four cornerstones. I’m also the founder of Grow With Joe, where I combine self-development coaching and financial planning for Latino Professionals.
At the end of today’s podcast episode, I’m going to give you a prompt question to reflect on in your journal. The idea is to take one to five minutes to reflect on today’s lesson and write a minimum of one paragraph on how you can apply the lesson in your life. You can use an actual journal, a word document like on Google Drive, or your note-taking app like Evernote. The idea is that you’re actually thinking about how to process the information to help you improve your life.
In today’s episode, we are going to talk about how one is none, two is one. This is a term that navy seals use. It basically means that if you only have one of something, then you really had nothing. If you’re a navy seal and only have one flashlight, and that flashlight breaks, then you have no flashlights.
But if you have a secondary flashlight, then you can use that flashlight. And usually, you don’t have to have two of everything, but somethings you want to have a duplicate of and that duplicate doesn’t have to be the same size and strength. For example, the secondary flashlight could be smaller so it’s less heavy to carry around but can serve as a backup when required.
This two is one, one is none saying can be applied to other parts of your life. Recently my laptop had something wrong with the screen and I had to get it repaired in Colombia. Luckily I had my Ipad to keep my busy for the three days while I was waiting to get my Ipad fixed. I also had my phone as well.
I couldn’t do the same type of work on my iPad and phone but I could still do some other type of work. I also have webcam separate from the one on my laptop. Plus there are cameras on my phone and iPad as well. Something will eventually get lost, broken, or stolen, and you want to make sure you have a backup just in case.
The same thing with your income and career. If you only have one source of income and one skill, and you lose those things, then life is going to be pretty rough. Thankfully, I don’t get all my income from one client and I don’t have one skill. I do financial planning and I do development coaching. So I have those two sources of income. I also have my investments that I can tap into if I want. I also have my GI Bill right now paying me a basic allowance for housing while I do my MBA. So when covid-19 happen, it didn’t affect me too badly.
It’s been tough trying to get another client for the past couple of months, but it finally happened after 60 days. I had money saved up along with my other sources of income and I’m fine. I would hate to be in a position where my only source of income dried up and this is why I look at my life and see where I reinforce any weaknesses.
This requires self-reflection and knowing that things will go wrong down the road and being prepared for them. I knew I had to make myself recession-proof for the future because I lived through the Great Recession in 2008 and I read a lot of books. We’re not going to have a problem-free life. There will be problems and we can alleviate those problems if we have backups. If you’re living through a tough time now, you can get through it but I recommend you learn from this event and see what you need to do to be better prepared for the next event. I know what I have to do once covid-19 happens, do you?
That’s it for today’s episode, to summarize it, remember the Navy Seal saying two is one, one is none. So make sure you have some type of backup for a lot of things in your life. You don’t need a backup for everything because your mind and body could be the backup. It all depends on what you want out of your life. You can take control of the situation if you properly plan and prepare for the worst. Then instead of freaking out, you can stay calm and help other people more. If you can take care of yourself for the most part, then the world will be a better place.
So in your journal, ask yourself, wherein your life do you need to get a backup? Think about your career and your personal life. What is the smallest step you can take to help you get that back up? Is it simple as going onto Amazon or the store and getting that item? Do you have the proper insurance in place to help you out? Just spend some time and think about this and then make sure you add the things to your life.
Thanks for listening today! To get a free copy of my audiobook “More You Know, More You Grow: How to get better every day” just go to my website growwithjoe.me/book and you can download it right there.
I have a quiz on my website that grades your inner circle, so if you want to find out if your inner circle is an A, B, C, D, or F, you can take that quiz at growwithjoe.me/quiz
I’m also trying to do a feedback Friday episode, so if you have a question that you would like to have my answer on the air, just e-mail me at [email protected]
I’m also on Instagram at Grow With Joe and Facebook just look up Grow With Joe
If you’re on iTunes, don’t forget to give me a five-star rating if you liked this episode and hit the subscribe button as well.
The greatest compliment you can give me is to share this episode with someone else.
Thanks for joining me today and remember if you go with Joe, you can grow with Joe, cause Joe knows Dough.
*Music outro

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