In this episode, we discuss how I stay motivated through the tough times.
Full Transcription
Hi Everyone, welcome to the You’re Daily Cup of Joe Podcast, with your host Joe Bautista, where my goal is to give you quick lessons on how to grow yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so you can have better careers, better relationships, and better personal finances.
I’m also the author of the book “More You Know, More You Grow: How to Get Better Every Day”. In this book, I wrote down over 30 tips to help you grow in those four cornerstones.
In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about how to stay motivated when times get tough. I’m a person that loves momentum and get discouraged when things are not going my way. It makes me just want to play on my phone and not do anything or just lay in bed and not want to get up.
This usually happens after a deal falls through that I’ve been chasing for a while or something is just not working out for me, or I have a major setback and I have to get myself out of a hole.
Dwelling on these setbacks is not going to help me get past those obstacles and I say the first way you can overcome an obstacle is to just watch a motivational video on Youtube. I have a playlist on YouTube that’s filled with motivational videos and I just watch one to help me get back on track.
The thing is when you get knocked down, you just need to get back up and watching those videos remind me that I need to get back up and try again. If you want to stay miserable in life, what you need to do is just to stay down but if you want to feel better about yourself, then just find a way to stand back up.
Listening to motivational YouTube videos help me stand back up. So I recommend that you create a playlist on YouTube where you can find the best videos to motivate you to do more. The key after listening to these podcasts is that it triggers you to take positive actions towards reaching your goals.
I might have to make some phone calls to prospective clients or I might have to work on updating my marketing plan. It’s work that is painful but I make sure that I do it because it will help me become the person I need to become.
Jim Rohn has a great line where he says motivation is like bathing, it’s recommended daily. To find things to help you stay motivated. For me, it’s motivational YouTube videos and I also get a lot of inspiration from listening to the Marketing Secrets Podcast by Russell Brunson. He just gives a lot of great tips for entrepreneurs and the struggles that they face.
Hearing stories of how people struggle but they just continued with their work until they got to where they wanted to go is helpful for me. Or just tell me that I need to keep going. The pain is just temporary and I’m not suffering.
Another thing I like to do is just tell myself affirmations that get me to keep going. When I’m doubting myself, I just say these two lines. The first one is “No matter how hard it is or how hard it will be, I will get through it.” I got this line from Les Brown and I use it a lot. I’m currently starting my business with Grow With Joe full time and I’m trying to figure out a lot of different things with my website, how to set up my email configuration, and other administrative tasks. I have a skill level of 4 in these areas but since I’m a company of one right now, I’m trying to bootstrap and make things work.
Since I’m a level 4 at the things outside of my expertise, I’m messing up a lot but it’s good training to let me know on how to improve for the future and if I didn’t have my affirmations or YouTube Videos, I would have quit a long time ago.
When I catch myself starting to have negative thoughts, I tell myself, Joe You Got This, Just Keep Going. This is another one of my favorite affirmations. So when you’re having doubt and want to quit, just tell yourself you got this, and to keep going. I know I can’t let negativity in my life because it will just hold me back in life. This is a major reason why I don’t like to watch the news. It’s too negative and it’s going to tell me things that I can’t change. And for every one negative thing I hear, I’m going to need to hear 10 positive things to balance it out.
I don’t have that type of time to hear 10 positive things and the best thing to do is just not hear it at all. It’s important to understand that there are bad things going on in the world like Global Warming and Terrorist, but I’m trying to focus on saving my slice of the world. I know I can’t save the whole world, but I can save a slice of it and just hearing negative stuff on a routine basis is not going to help me out. So I remove that stuff from my life to help me stay sane.
Another way I keep motivated is that I focus on my goals and what I want to accomplish for my future. I think of things I want to create and I go out and create them and I tell myself if I continue to make this podcast and I do my videos, then I’ll get the clients that I need, which will then allow me to reach my goals. I know that the alternative for not reaching my goals is to go back to an office job that I don’t like and will cause me nothing but stress. I don’t want to go back to that stress because it’s not fun and it was pretty terrible for my mental and physical self. So I rather work 7 days for myself and struggle than to work 5 days for something I absolutely do not like. For me, this is a great motivator because I know I can live a life that is going to be way better the previous life I had.
That’s is it for today’s episode. To summarize today’s episode, I would create a playlist YouTube with motivational videos that you can go watch when times are tough and to find a podcast that gives you some motivation to keep going like this one. I would also write down some positive affirmations that you can use like “No matter how hard it is or how hard it will be, I will get through it.” or “You got this Joe, just keep going.” And to focus on your goals and the suffering that you’re trying to avoid in life. I don’t want to suffer and it’s a good reminder to tell me to keep working on my goals.
Thanks for listening to today’s episode.
To get a free copy of my book “More You Know, More You Grow: How to get better every day” just go to my website and just pay for shipping and handling.
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Thanks for joining me today and remember if you go with Joe, you can grow with Joe, cause Joe knows Dough.
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