In this episode, we discuss the importance of my making the right choice consistently over your life time.
Full Transcript
Hi Everyone, welcome to the You’re Daily Cup of Joe Podcast, with your host Joe Bautista. I’m also the founder of Grow With Joe, where I combine self-development coaching and financial planning. In this podcast, my goal is to give you quick lessons on how to grow yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so you can have better careers, better relationships, and better personal finances.
I’m also the author of the book “More You Know, More You Grow: How to Get Better Every Day”. In this book, I wrote down over 30 tips to help you grow in those four cornerstones.
In today’s episode, we’re are going to talk about the saying “Life Is about Choices, and we are the sum of those choices.” I got this quote from Michael Port who wrote the book on public speaking called “Steal The Show.” I went to his heroic public speaking conference back in 2017 and it was a really great conference and this is where I heard the quote for the first time.
After hearing that quote, I reflected a lot on how I got to that moment and it was because of the choices I made in the past. I made the choice to focus on school, the choice to go into the Marines, the choice to get married to my ex-partner and follow her to Washington, DC, and the choice to listen to podcasts. If I didn’t hear the Jordan Harbinger Show where he mentioned that Michael Port had free tickets to go to his conference, then I wouldn’t have made it to that conference because I wouldn’t have known that it existed.
I recommend that you look at your life this week and look at the choices that you’ve made and see if your choices have gotten to your present state. I know that I am here right now because of the choices I’ve made in the past.
There was some luck involved in how my life turned out but I wouldn’t have had that luck if I didn’t make certain choices. I remember that I choose to play high school football during my senior year and I tore my ACL on the second day of practice. I was devastated but that injury caused me to join the Marines six months later than I planned out and I was able to go be stationed in Hawaii for three years which I loved.
When it comes to your professional and personal life, it is the choices that you make that will determine the type of person you will be in the future. Choices made on a daily basis don’t really cause the needle to move that is noticeable but given enough time and right choices, you can see a difference.
When it comes to working out, you don’t really notice a physical change first, it’s your mindset that changes after 30 days, then 60 days you built the habit, and after 90 you start seeing the real physical changes. But to see these changes, you need to make the right choices for those 90 days. You will be the sum of those choices and it will determine the type of person that you need to be.
So when you’re going through your day, ask yourself are you making the right choices to give you the future you want. When it comes to retirement, it really comes down to make the conscious habit of putting money away every paycheck that will accumulate into a nest egg that will be big enough to last your golden years.
If you made the choice not to save, then it will show come retirement. If you made the choice not to invest in yourself, it will show come retirement. We can’t let life direct where we go in life, we have to take over the reins and steer the cart in the direction where we want to go in life.
I know where I want to go in the future, and I make choices that will help me get that future that I want. I want to build up Grow With Joe to the point where I can establish an endowment fund that can provide other Latinos an opportunity to succeed. So I’m going to run my business in a manner that will give me that future.
I also want to be physically healthy in the future because I have plantar Fasciitis and herniated disks in my lower back and I need to do exercises today so that when I’m in my golden years, it spent exploring the world and not from a hospital bed.
We have the ability to choose our day. We just have to be strong enough to make those choices. Whatever choice you make will determine what you value in life. If you value your family, then you will make choices that will be more family-related. If you value status, you will make choices that give you more status. If you value money and materialistic things, then you will make choices that will give you more money to buy things. You have to decide what type of person you want to be in the future and that will come from the choices that you make in the present.
So if you want to have a better career and better relationships, are you making the choices today that will give you that better career and relationships. If it is not then you have to make a change. Don’t expect things to come to you, you have to go towards the thing you want. Since I know this is true, this is why I work so hard on growing myself and make the choices that will make me a better person. Some choices are hard to make though because they are uncomfortable like deciding to move away from home and going into the Marines, but you have to remember. Hard Choices, easy life, easy choices, hard life.
Since I don’t want a hard life down the road, I’m going to make the hard choices now like working out, reaching out to my network, working on myself, and putting myself out there. It’s uncomfortable for me to put myself out there since I’m an introvert at heart but I know it’s required for me to get the future that I want.
If you’re not satisfied with the life that you have right now, what choices can you make today and for the rest of the month so that in three months from now, you can be closer to the person you want to be. It might not happen and might take longer than three months or it might come sooner, but the only way things are going to change is if you start making the right choices.
Thanks for listening to today’s episode, to summarize it, life is about choices, and we are the sum of the choices. So make the right choices in life and you will have a good life down the road.
To get a free copy of my book “More You Know, More You Grow: How to get better every day” just go to my website and just pay for shipping and handling.
I have a quiz on my website that grades your inner circle, so if you want to find out if your inner circle is an A, B, C, D, or F, you can take that quiz at
I’m also trying to do a feedback Friday episode, so if you have a question that you would like to have my answer on the air, just e-mail me at [email protected]
I’m also on Instagram at Grow With Joe and Facebook just look up Grow With Joe
If you’re on iTunes, don’t forget to give me a five-star rating if you liked this episode.
Thanks for joining me today and remember if you go with Joe, you can grow with Joe, cause Joe knows Dough.
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