
Me Siento Muy Contento, Me Siento Muy Feliz

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Today is the last day of 2021, and I feel pretty proud of what I could accomplish over the past 365 days.

  • I passed my CFP exam and earned my Certified Financial Planner Designation
  • I finished my last class of my MBA and will soon be getting my diploma in a couple of weeks
  • I completed the first draft of my second book and now going through the editing process
  • I hiked Mount Hood with some old Marine Corps buddies I haven’t seen in years
  • I went to see the natural bridge in Southern Oregon with my cousin and had fried oysters with fish and chips.
  • Created new financial planning and business consulting clients
  • I helped my mom with using AirPlay on her phone so that she could watch Ted Lasso and enjoy the show as I did
  • I visited Colombia and Mexico to improve my Spanish
  • Saw a friend in San Diego that I hadn’t seen in ten years and went to Sea World, then had the best poke nachos in my life
  • Read 50 books
  • Listen to over 83,000 minutes of podcasts and music
  • Averaged going to the gym five days a week
  • I enjoyed many summer BBQs with my parents
  • I saw my older sister in Chicago after long two years and was able to help out my younger sister with her pregnancy and business


Somethings that were not so great:

  • Dealing with 116-degree weather in Oregon
  • I got into a car crash
  • Dealt with major back spasms
  • I had a horrible roommate in Mexico
  • I had my backpack stolen out of my cousin’s truck with a bunch of my stuff
  • Covid is still something that is ruling the world


With these unfavorable events, I was able to get stronger from them and have the satisfaction to know that they didn’t destroy me. I can remember them and use them to get past similar events in the future. 

They also remind me that no matter how good things get, I shouldn’t get complacent with my development and increase my financial, human, and social assets.

I also can say that I’m a better person at the end of the year than how I started it. Now that I finished my MBA and CFP, I will have more time to dedicate to my business and life to make them even more robust in 2022.

When I finished the last class of my MBA, I was so happy and even screamed in excitement. Twenty-seven months of hard work is finally done, and I’m ready to start using my business analytic and operational skills in what I do. I have the hope to create an even better life in 2022 because of everything I have done and the skills I’ve acquired.

Having hope makes me look forward to waking up and viewing my upcoming day. If I didn’t have hope for a better day, why would I want to wake up?

For the last ten days, I’ve focused on recharging and preparing for 2022. I am currently visiting my cousin in San Miguel de Allende and enjoying the weather, food, reading a lot, and reflecting on what I’m supposed to do with my life before I settle back in Guadalajara.

One of my favorite quotes from Seneca is, “Life is long, as long as you know how to use it.” And with my constant work on myself and my business, life is long. I have many goals in front of me, and I’m just going to work on them as fast as possible, but not faster than what is realistic and not sabotage other parts of my life.

I know there are still many things that need to be fixed, but all I can do is all that I can do. I have to make sure that I’m doing all I can do. Since I feel that I’m doing all I can, I feel very happy and content with life.


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